Woke up at 7am in the morning for my last driving revision lesson on a SUNDAY morning! =.- it was horrible la. Could barely even open my eyes wide enough, but I didn’t have any other choice. Drove for 100 mins without having breakfast too. Took a cab home after lesson cause the bus was taking way too long, and I needed to shit. Lol. =/ reached home and chiong-ed for the toilet…hahaha. Dad drove me out to get breakfast for the family. Bought takeaways and after breakfast, I got ready and left to meet my boy.
Went down to plaza sing for lunch and movie. And he did stunts again. Cut the queue into the carpark, he went thru at least 20 cars. Omg! =x People must be really angry with him. But we were almost late for the movie already, had no other choice. Haha. Ate at hot tomato, a new café styled restaurant. Watched 21. not bad a show, but not really a comedy too. Don’t know what its genre is either. After the show, walked around town area. He bought his x mini speakers from pacific city and we walked over to centrepoint to get my top changed. But after trying on other sizes, I still decided to keep to the one that my aunt bought for me. Waste time. Lol. Went to macs for some snacks cause I had an instant craving for fries! =p walked down to heerens and taka just to kill time, cause he wanted to bring me to somewhere I didn’t know for dinner. =.- he loves being mysterious I realized.
Walked back to the car at around 6pm, his planned timing. Headed down to the east! He brought me to shore restaurant, it’s by the coast and since its at Changi, we had the constant engines from the planes landing and taking off. And my boy told me to bring along my camera or I will regret. Haha and so I asked him what is it that I need to take after reaching the restaurant. Cause he wanted to reach by 7pm and we did. Den I realized he wanted to catch the sunset. I found it weird!! HAHA! So I questioned him, den I told him, ‘sun sets in the west and rise in the east leh..’ he is such a big dummy la omg! Den he told me, ‘nvm la, den we see aeroplanes.’ Lol! Funny guy. The food there ain’t cheap though. Had a simple meal and enjoyed the breeze. We left at around 8pm and went to changi coast road, in an attempt to follow other motorists who parked their cars there and enjoy the breeze and view of planes landing.
Something funny happened. We were chased away by a police car. There wasn’t suppose to be any parking there. Anyway it was our first time there too. Took our ICs and recorded it down, but nothing wrong la. Lol. So we just drove away. Made baby drive to change village! He was so reluctant to go there. Fear, haha. But we did, and I guess it was still early, so saw nothing. Bleah. Took a slow ride home then. =)